Graduation 2022

I offered an abbreviated version of the following comments as the faculty speaker at the Riverland Community College 2022 Commencement Ceremony on May 13, 2022.

Welcome, everyone. Tonight we are here to celebrate the success of our graduates, our guests of honor. Graduates, you are among a privileged group of people. According to the Educational Attainment data published by the US Census Bureau in 2020, approximately 43.7% of the population over 25 has completed education beyond high school. This means you have achieved something the majority of the population has not – a college education. Some of you were lucky enough to take my class during your time here at Riverland.

Your formal education is complete for some of you, and you will move into the job market. For others, this is simply the first of many commencements where you will be honored. Either way, there are two things you should remember:

1. Whether you are taking classes or an employed professional, you never stop learning. I know others have discussed this idea in many graduation speeches, but it is an essential point to remember. Knowledge is powerful. It’s something no one can take from you. Everyone you meet knows something you don’t. Learn from them. A growth mindset is an invaluable tool that will serve you in anything you undertake. Don’t shy away from opportunities to learn or develop a new skill, even if you know it will be difficult and demand great sacrifice. Today’s world requires that we are constantly learning. Embrace those challenges and use them to grow. In the end, you will be better for it.

2. Tonight when you receive your degree, certificate, or diploma, it will be conferred upon you using the phrase “I confer upon you the degree to which you are entitled and to all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto.” This phrase reminds you that attaining the level of education you have reached is a privilege, and with great privilege comes great responsibility. It is your responsibility to use your education and skills to make the world better, to share what you have, and then pass the knowledge you have on to others. You will have many successes and failures as you journey through life. Learn from your failures and share those lessons with those around you. Don’t push people out of your way or build your successes on the backs of others. You are sitting here today because someone offered to help you, share what they have with you, and bring you forward in your journey. It is your responsibility to pass it on. I am very proud to have been able to help some of you along in your journey toward completing your education. This room is filled with family and friends who supported you during your time at Riverland. Now it is time for you to assist others in their journeys. None of us get anywhere in life alone. We all rely on each other as we walk our paths through this life.

Congratulations, graduates, and good luck.