What Gives Fireworks Their Brilliance?


  • Explain how emission spectra occur.
  • Utilize periodic trends.
  • Recognize the difference between covalent and ionic compounds and explain their general properties.
  • Write formulas for named compounds and named compounds from written formulas.
  • Explain how fireworks work.
  • Explain the environmental impact of fireworks.
  • Report on a current topic in chemistry. Assess the pros and cons of this topic and its potential benefit/impact on the environment.
  • Complete analysis of scientific findings on a current topic in chemistry and explain any sources of possible bias and uncertainty found.
  • Examine and analyze this selected study for underlying assumptions and/or bias on the researcher’s part, suggest an alternative perspective that disputes it, and/or explains the issue, solution, or finding from at least two points of view.
  • Explain their (the student’s) stance, using supporting information, about the current topic in chemistry.
  • Apply basic chemistry knowledge to a real-world situation.
  • Determine if a source is reliable.
  • Read scientific journal articles.


Before beginning work on this assignment, please read section 4.6 The Bohr Model – Atoms with Orbits in the textbook and the articles titled Exploding Colors: The Science Behind Fireworks. and What’s that stuff? Fireworks. This will provide you with some of the background information necessary to complete this assignment.  You will also want to complete the lecture materials in Module 4 on the periodic table and Module 5 on ionic and covalent compounds and nomenclature. The concepts discussed in the readings and Modules listed above will be applied in this assignment.


Answer the following questions using the information provided in the assignment introduction, your textbook, and the concepts we have learned in this class. Be sure to format subscripts and superscripts appropriately in your submission. Upload your completed assignment to the “What Gives Fireworks Their Brilliance? Assignment Folder” on Brightspace. This assignment is worth 25 points.

1. A range of elements and compounds are used to create the colors produced by fireworks. Classify the following elements found in fireworks as alkali metal, alkaline earth metal, transition metal, metalloid, metal, or nonmetal.  (2 points)

  • Magnesium _______________
  • Sodium _______________
  • Boron _______________
  • Strontium _______________
  • Iron _______________
  • Red Phosphorous _______________

2. Fireworks use a wide range of compounds to produce redox reactions, which generate the explosive energy required to cause electrons to excite and emit photons of light. Identify the following compounds used in fireworks as ionic or covalent. (2 points)

  • Powdered Sulfur ___________________________________
  • Strontium Oxide ___________________________________
  • Barium Chloride ___________________________________
  • Potassium Dichromate _______________________________

3. Specific compounds are used in fireworks to produce the desired color of light. Name the following metal salts from the formula provided for the compound using the IUPAC naming rules we discussed in class.  The color produced by the metal in the compound is indicated with the name.  (2 points)

  • Li2CO3 (red) ___________________________________
  • Ba(NO3)2 (green) ___________________________________
  • CaSO4 (orange) ___________________________________
  • CuO (blue) ___________________________________

4. Fireworks produce more than bright colors. They can also produce other visual effects including smoke, glittery effects, or delays in the firing to produce a layered effect of colors.  Below are some of the compounds used to produce these effects.  Write the formula for the compound from the name provided.  The effect the compound provides is listed with the name of the compound.  (2 points)

  • Ammonium chloride (white smoke) __________________________
  • Zinc (II) oxide (smoke) __________________________________
  • Bismuth (III) Oxide (crackling microstars) _____________________
  • Magnesium carbonate (glitter-delay agent) _____________________

6. Explain the components and design of a standard firework. (3 points)

7. Explain 2 ways that fireworks are dangerous for the environment. (2 points)

8. Explain 3 ways scientists are working to make fireworks greener. (3 points)

9. In your own words, explain how fireworks emit the beautiful colors we see (emission spectra). Identify the subatomic particle responsible for this phenomenon. (2 points)

10. Did you identify any bias or uncertainty (unanswered questions) in the 2 articles you read for this assignment? Explain. (2 points)

12. Do you think the two articles you read for this assignment are reliable sources? Provide at least 2 pieces of evidence about each resource to support your conclusion. (3 points)

11. Based on what you know about fireworks, do you think continued use of them is ok? Explain why or why not. Support your opinion with evidence. (2 points)


Anthony, S., Braun, K., & Mernitz, H. (2013). What Gives Fireworks Their Brilliance?. In (First Edition), Chem Connections (pp. 15-17). W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Lutz, Alicia. (2019). Exploding Colors: The Science Behind Fireworks. The College TODAY. https://today.cofc.edu/2019/07/01/fireworks-fourth-of-july/

Wilson, E. K. (2017). What’s that stuff? Fireworks. Chemical & Engineering News95(27), 24–25.

This page was created on February 15, 2023, and was last updated on August 15, 2024.

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