Science Fair Help For Students

This page is designed for students completing their science fair project. On this page you will…

  1. Learn about the Scientific Method and how to apply it.

  2. Choose an experiment conduct background research (learn any new vocabulary words and read about the scientific concept your experiment covers).

  3. Write a hypothesis for your experiment.

  4. Complete the science fair registration form.

  5. Conduct your experiment and record the results in a notebook.

  6. Review your experimental results and determine what they mean.

  7. Prepare your board for the science fair and practice explaining your experiment to others.

Getting Started

Before you can select a project for the science fair, you need to learn how to do a science fair project. This includes learning about how to ask questions, make predictions (guesses) collect information (data), and how to conduct an experiment. The following sections will help you learn how to do these things.

If you want to try out some fun science games to help you explore different scientific ideas and concepts, please check out THIS page. There are chemistry, astronomy, biology, anatomy games and more! It’s a engaging way to explore different areas of science before choosing a project.


Scientists study the world around us by using the Scientific Method. The Scientific Method is a series of steps designed to guide a scientist in their investigation. It is very systematic and ensures that all scientists conduct their investigation in a similar manner. This process can include anywhere from 5-8 steps depending on who you talk to. Some scientists combine some of the steps of the Scientific Method together. The image below outlines the steps in the Scientific Method. You will complete all of these steps as you complete your science fair project.

You already use the Scientific Method every day. It is a form of problem-solving. For instance, if you lose your backpack, you will use the Scientific Method to find it. The table below shows how each step you take in finding your backpack relates to the steps of the Scientific Method.


1. Make an Observation/State the Problem

2. Ask a Question

3. Background Research

4. Form a Hypothesis

5. Perform an Experiment

6. Analyze Results

7. Report Findings

Check out the example of losing your backpack to the right to see how to apply each of the steps of the scientific method to help you find your backpack.

Example of Using the Scientific Method: Steps to finding your backpack

1. You realize your backpack is missing.

2. You wonder where you left it.

3. You think about where you last saw it and remember seeing in your mom’s car.

4. You guess it could still be in your mom’s car.

5. You go check your mom’s car.

6. You see your backpack is in the back seat. This proves your hypothesis to be correct.

7. You tell to your mom that you found your backpack.

Click on each of the tabs below to learn more about each step of The Scientific Method.