Extra Credit Opportunities

Want to earn some extra credit in this course? Here are some opportunities for you to do so.

Attend tutoring for chemistry.

For every 1 hour of tutoring/help session attended, you can earn 2 bonus points (up to a total of 20 bonus points).

How to document this extra credit: Please use THIS DOCUMENT to record the date you met, how long you met with the tutor, and the topics discussed. Please print the tutor’s name, and (if you meet face-to-face) and have the tutor sign next to this information. If you meet with an online tutor, they won’t be able to sign your paper. Instead, please indicate you met with an online tutor and if you met with them through Tutor.com or Accessibility Services. I can verify your tutoring if you completed it online through one of these two platforms. PLEASE NOTE: All tutoring must be for this class. I will not honor the time spent tutoring other courses.

You do not need to attend for one continuous hour at a time. For instance, attending two 30-minute tutoring sessions will count as one full hour of tutoring.

  • You will receive credit only for tutoring that adds up to 1 full hour. For instance, if you attend 4.5 hours of tutoring over the semester, you will receive extra credit for the 4 hours, but not the half-hour.
  • If your main campus is not Riverland, you are welcome to use the tutoring services located at your local college. Please have them complete the paperwork described above.
  • This extra credit option is due to the extra credit assignment folder no later than the date indicated on the extra credit assignment folder.

Get help reviewing your formal laboratory reports, discussion board posts, and chemistry project.

Every time you use the Tutoring Center or Tutor.com to proof your formal laboratory reports, discussion boards, and chemistry project, you can earn 10 bonus points.

How to document this extra credit: On THIS DOCUMENT, please record when you meet for help with your report, whom you met with, the topics you discussed regarding your paper, and have the tutor sign your paper. If you used Tutor.com, please note that rather than have the tutor sign it. Attach the copy of the lab report they edited with your submission to the assignment folder. The edits they suggested should also be made to your final assignment submission.

You must have the Tutoring Center or tutor.com review your lab report AND include their editing suggestions on the final copy of your laboratory report/discussion board post to receive extra credit points.

  • This extra credit review option is due to the extra credit assignment folder by the due date of the assignment you had reviewed.
  • If your main campus is not Riverland, you are welcome to use the writing center located at your local college. Please have them complete the paperwork described above.

Complete the Brightspace online training offered through Infobase (formerly Hoonuit).

These videos are linked in this course and are accessible by signing into Infobase, searching for “Bightspace 10.7” and selecting the training for students (highlighted in green in the image below). Use your StarID and password to access Infobase.

How to document this extra credit: Once you have completed all of the Brightspace training videos provided by Infobase, you will be provided a certificate of completion for the training. You must submit this certificate to the extra credit assignment folder to receive credit. You can access this certificate by signing into Infobase. Click on your name in the top right corner and select “Accomplishments” from the menu. Your certificate should be listed here (under “Certificates” on the upper left side of the screen). You can download it for submission to the extra credit assignment folder. If your certificate isn’t listed here, please contact the Riverland Help Desk and submit a ticket for assistance. I am not able to assist you with issues with Infobase. This is worth 10 points.

  • Be sure you have watched all the videos all the way to the end. Don’t stop them even a second early or Infobase won’t register the video as complete.
  • DO NOT SUBMIT A SCREENSHOT OR ANY OTHER FILE FOR THIS TO THE assignment folder. You MUST submit the pdf certificate. I will not accept ANY other document as proof you completed this training.
  • NOTE: You do not need to complete the MS Office videos provided, only the ones that provide instruction on how to use Brightspace.
  • This extra credit option is due to the extra credit assignment folder within the first 4 weeks of the start of the semester.

Other Notes on Extra Credit

No extra credit documentation will be accepted via email, in hard copy, or after the due date for the extra credit has closed. DO NOT email these documents to your instructor. They will only be accepted if they are uploaded to the extra credit assignment folder provided on Brightspace and within the due date guidelines provided above.

You can earn no more than 50 extra credit points in the course of a semester, no matter how many total extra credit points are possible for this course.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

This page was published on July 22, 2022, and last updated on August 29, 2024.

©2023 Catherine Haslag. All Rights Reserved.