Who Was Typhoid Mary?

The COVID-19 pandemic has moved into the endemic stage. I encourage you to get vaccinated to protect yourself and prevent spreading the disease to others.

The pandemic has brought up discussions of other historic public health issues. To learn about one of these events, check out the podcast titled There’s Something About Mary to learn about the real-life Typhoid Mary.

If you want to earn 10 points extra credit, submit a 300+ word summary of this podcast.  Be sure to address the following in your summary:

  1. What is typhoid?  How is it spread?  How serious was this disease in the early 1900s?
  2. Who was Typhoid Mary?  What happened to her?  Put yourself in her shoes.  How would you have reacted?  Do you think she was fairly treated?  Explain your reasoning.
  3. Put yourself in the shoes of the people she infected.  How would you respond to Mary infecting you after she knew she was a carrier?  What if one of the people who died because of Mary had been someone you loved?  How would you feel/respond?
  4. How does this incident apply to what is happening today with COVID-19?  Explain your reasoning.
  5. Do you think it is ok to quarantine people to protect public health?  Be sure to explain your reasoning.

This should be typed using a program such as MSWord or GoogleDocs and submitted to the extra credit assignment folder.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Image obtained from Wikipedia Commons.